Getting Started

CodeSpaces or Dev Containers

The easiest way to get started is to use srvc-template. Click the “Use template” button on GitHub to create a new repository.

In the new repository, select “Code” > “Codespaces” > “Create codespace on main”. Or if you have VSCode installed with the Dev Containers extension, you may open the repository in a Dev Container.

The new Codespace or container will likely take a few minutes to initialize. The result will be a full development environment with a sample sr.yaml file.

Start off by changing in sr.yaml to your email address.

Next » Project Configuration

Manual Setup

  1. Install the Nix package manager on Linux, macOS, or Windows WSL2.
  2. Create a file at ~/.config/nix/nix.conf with the contents experimental-features = nix-command flakes
  3. Install srvc via nix profile install github:insilica/rs-srvc Alternately, srvc may be installed with Homebrew via brew install insilica/srvc/srvc
  4. Create a new project directory with an sr.yaml file. The sr.yaml from srvc-template is a good starting point.

Start off by changing in sr.yaml to your email address.

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